Help Karen protect wildlife!

Get "Karen's Message" to the Commission

Stand with Karen to help ban the legal slaughter of California's wildlife for thrills and cheap prizes. The "50,000 comments!" campaign features real kids, with a powerful message for California's Wildlife Commission.

The final vote to ban or continue WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS is on the horizon - October 8th!  Kids are depending on you to get their message to decision-makers.
We need 50,000 comments - including yours - to help outlaw these brutal contests. Let's get started!

Here's How

1.  Copy and paste the jpeg image "Karen's Message" into your email. (Right-click on Karen's "My future, My choice" image at the top of this page, save it, and attach it to your email to the Commission).

2.  Email the image and your comments to the California Fish and Wildlife Commission respectfully agreeing with Karen that these cruel contests must end.  Ask that the Commission vote to BAN wildlife killing contests in California.

3.  Share with others who want to end the mass killing of our wildlife in cruel contests awarding guns and cheap prizes. 

Some competitions even offer prizes to kids - some to as young as 5 years old - for killing the most animals in a weekend. If you agree with Karen that wildlife killing contests have to stop, tell the commission.  And then tell your friends!

Karen is depending on YOU to reach 50,000 comments. Will you help her?

California Fish and Game Commission
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090

California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Charlton H. Bonham, Director

Project Coyote
(please include us, as we are tracking letters sent)

Remember to include your full name and contact information to ensure that your comments are counted in the official record.

Tell your friends!
Help us reach our goal of sending the California Fish and Wildlife Commission 50,000+ comments between now and October 8th - the final vote. YOU have the power to protect California's vulnerable wildlife, including coyotes and foxes, from wanton cruelty.

Post it. Pin it. Tweet it. Blog about it.
You know what to do. Together we CAN make a difference for the victims of these savage contests. karen - and the 7 other children you will meet in our weekly series - are grateful to you!

Please also sign and share our petition aimed at the Commission and Director Bohnham calling for a ban on wildlife killing contests. Sign here.

Talking Points ~ Ban Wildlife Killing Contests NOW:
1. Wildlife killing contests are conducted for profit, entertainment, prizes and, simply, for the "fun" of killing.  This is not about sport or fair-chase; animals are often baited and lured with distress calls of wounded young, placing wildlife at an even greater and unfair disadvantage. 
2. No evidence exists showing that indiscriminate killing contests control problem animals or serve any beneficial management function. 
3. Predators provide ecosystem services that benefit people, including controlling rodents and rabbits which are associated with diseases such as plague, hantavirus, tularemia and Lyme disease. 
4.  Wildlife killing contests are violent and perpetuate a culture of violence.  They send the message to children that life has little value and that an entire species of animals is disposable.
5.  Wildlife killing contests put non-target wildlife, our companion animals, and people at risk. Gray wolves, now protected under the California Endangered Species Act, are also at risk as they recolonize their historic range.

#choose2BAN #waronwildlife #ProjectCoyote

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