May 13, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Old Salem Visitor Center
900 Old Salem Rd
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Marilyn McGee

About the Presenter

Marilyn McGee, local writer and educator, NC representative for Project Coyote

As an advocate for red and gray wolves, McGee and her sister Gail McDiarmid spent the last 10 years learning about how these keystone species positively impact the environment. They co-authored Running for Home, a story about wolf restoration at Yellowstone National Park.  Books will be available for purchase and signing following the session.

About the Event

Learn about one of the most persecuted animals in North Carolina: the coyote. Coyote ecology, the impact of human behavior on its population, and practical ideas to keep domestic pets safe and coyotes wild will be presented.  Participants will be able to view coyote relics (tracks, scat, and fur) as well as some of the latest electronic devices that can be used in combination with electric fencing and guard animals to protect livestock. Keeping coyotes wild and learning about their biological benefits may help residents to appreciate coyotes from a distance.

A FREE workshop
hosted by Old Salem Horticulture.

For more information or to pre-register for any workshop, please email vhannah@oldsalem.org or call 336-721-7357 and leave a message with name, number attending, workshop title, and your contact information.