
As a Project Coyote supporter, you’re aware of our nationwide efforts to ban Wildlife Killing Contests—a barbaric practice in which contestants compete for prizes and cash to kill the most or largest of a target species such as coyotes, wolves, bobcats, or foxes.

Project Coyote co-founded a nationwide coalition focused on this issue that has grown into a movement with more than 50 national and state organizations working collaboratively to ban this heinous practice. As a result of our collective passion, dedication, and hard work, wildlife killing contests are now prohibited in eight states, with several additional states currently considering bans. The introduction of national legislation to ban wildlife killing contests on federal public lands is also on our coalition’s agenda for the upcoming months.

But although friends of wildlife know of the prevalence of these lethal “contests,” most people have no idea that wildlife killing contests are taking place in their home state—and that this deadly bloodsport is perfectly legal.

Wisconsin Billboard

Wyoming Billboard

That’s why we’ve implemented a multifaceted approach to target this practice and bring an end to the killing. As part of this effort, Project Coyote is launching a national billboard campaign to raise public awareness and inspire people to join this growing movement to #STOPTHEKILL! The Wisconsin and Wyoming billboards pictured above have garnered an enthusiastic response, and we plan to extend this campaign to other states in the coming weeks and months.

To help advance this campaign, a steadfast Project Coyote supporter from Los Angeles has offered a generous challenge fund: She will match dollar-for-dollar every donation made toward our billboard campaign ~ up to $10,000!

These funds will enable us to reach the multitudes of Americans who need to know that their wildlife is being ruthlessly slaughtered as part of contests, derbies, and tournaments—slaughtered for no reason other than “recreation,” “fun,” and prize money.


Please join us in this effort today ~ click on the Donate Now button below and indicate “Billboard Campaign” in the Comments field.

Double the impact of your generosity, and help us bring an end to this barbarity!

For the Wild Ones,

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

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